What’s next?

Well, it has been two months since the G1000 sim released in the Apple App Store for the first time. Thank you all for buying my app, giving me your suggestions, rating my app and writing reviews. Those are the most valuable payback of the harding working for the past 10 months and are the biggest courage for me to continue doing it. Now I have done almost everything I could for the PFD for now. We have both FSX and X-Plane connections, with which I hope you can have some fun when flying in flight simulators as well as using it for some IFR practising. I will keep improving this app and add as more functionalities as I can. But it comes to a point that the navigation database I use can not support much further development. So, I’m planning to re-build the navigation database. Although I haven’t find the data sources completely meet the requirements yet, I will try to merge the data from different sources and re-organize the data for using in my program. This will take a tremendous work, including re-coding the program. In this period, there probaly won’t be any major updates. But, please, stay with me. As an individual developer, I majorly focus on the coding work, and I hope you guys can help me with promoting it. If you think this app is worth it, please, tell your friends, rate it good, write reviews(in appstore or bbs). I will be deeply grateful and try my best to make this app the greatest.

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